Welcome to your Lifestyle Transformation!
We’re so happy you're here! We can't wait for you to begin your transformation! Connect with your health advocate with any questions!
Watch your unboxing video!
2. Set the stage for your transformation!
3. Join our Transformation Facebook Group
4. Enjoy our recipes
5. Join our weekly support calls! Hear transformation stories, share your story, and learn more about your superfoods!
6. Want to learn more about your superfoods and your body? Meet Dave, the formulator. Join him as he shares his knowledge on different subjects every week!
Event: Product Education
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 4 PST, 5 MST, 6 CST, 7 EST
Zoom Link: bit.ly/PuriumTrain
Password: Purium
Follow along for deeper support:
Module 1: Setting the Stage
Module 2: Introduction to Your ULT Kit