The Power of Future Tense: Embracing the Amazing Possibilities of "Already Happened”


There is a remarkable power in writing and speaking about our dreams and desires as though they have already happened. By adopting the mindset of "already happened," we tap into the energy of manifestation and open doors to amazing opportunities. In this blog post, we explore the transformative practice of writing every day as though it has already happened, and we delve into the incredible reasons why this approach can bring forth extraordinary outcomes.

1. Shifting Your Perspective:

When you write or speak about your goals and aspirations in the present or past tense, you shift your perspective from mere wishful thinking to a sense of already achieving them. This subtle change in mindset alters your perception, allowing you to see the path towards your dreams more clearly.

2. Harnessing the Power of Visualization:

By writing as though your desires have already come to fruition, you engage in the powerful practice of visualization. As you vividly imagine and describe your desired outcomes, you activate your subconscious mind, which then starts aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your envisioned reality.

3. Aligning with the Energy of Manifestation:

The universe operates on the principle of vibration and energy. When you write in the present or past tense, you align your energy with the vibration of abundance and manifestation. This energetic alignment sets the stage for synchronicities and opportunities to flow into your life effortlessly.

4. Building Confidence and Belief:

Writing as though your goals have already happened boosts your confidence and strengthens your belief in your capabilities. As you consistently reinforce positive affirmations and visualize your success, you cultivate a deep sense of self-assurance and a steadfast belief that your dreams are within reach.

5. Opening Doors to Opportunities:

The act of writing every day as though it has already happened creates a magnetic effect. It attracts opportunities and synchronicities that are aligned with your envisioned reality. You become more aware of the possibilities around you and are ready to seize the opportunities that present themselves.

6. Enhancing Focus and Clarity:

When you write in the present or past tense, you clarify your intentions and gain a clear sense of direction. This focused mindset helps you prioritize your actions and make decisions that are in alignment with your desired outcomes. Your daily writing practice serves as a compass, guiding you towards the realization of your goals.

7. Cultivating Gratitude and Joy:

Writing as though your dreams have already materialized cultivates a deep sense of gratitude and joy. By expressing gratitude for the amazing things that have happened, you amplify the positive energy in your life and attract more reasons to be grateful. This practice enhances your overall sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Activity: Daily Writing Practice

Commit to a daily writing practice where you write about your goals, dreams, and desires as though they have already happened. Set aside a specific time each day to engage in this practice, whether it's in the morning, during a lunch break, or before bed. Allow your imagination to soar as you vividly describe the amazing experiences, feelings, and outcomes associated with your goals.


Writing every day as though it has already happened is a powerful tool for manifestation and personal transformation. By shifting your perspective, harnessing the power of visualization, and aligning with the energy of manifestation, you open yourself up to incredible possibilities. This practice enhances your confidence, clarity, and focus while attracting opportunities that align with your envisioned reality. Embrace the daily writing practice, and watch as doors open, dreams come true, and your life transforms in remarkable ways.


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