That Used to Be Me: Transformation Stories
Hello, I'm David Sandoval, and today I want to share with you the incredible potential and challenges of a lifestyle transformation. Recently, I overheard a conversation at an organic food market that left a lasting impression on me.
One woman was expressing frustration about her husband's constant health issues and how he continued to indulge in a standard American diet and unhealthy habits. The second woman, seemingly healthy and full of energy, asked how they could live under the same roof and have such different health outcomes. The first woman's energy shifted as she confessed, "That used to be me too."
Years ago, when they first got married, both of them had fallen into a lifestyle centered around food and indulgence. Weekends were filled with exploring new restaurants, enjoying desserts, and sharing glasses of wine. It was pleasurable, but it took a toll on their health. A wake-up call from the doctor warning her about high blood pressure and diabetes motivated her to change. She realized she had become 80 pounds heavier than she was now.
When she said, "That used to be me," it hit me like a lightning bolt. Her transformation had been powerful, transitioning from "living to eat" to "eating to live." She was now full of energy and possibilities for her life. The words, "That used to be me," echoed in my mind.
This aha moment, when someone discovers a reason to change and realizes life is worth living to the fullest, is what signals readiness for a lifestyle transformation. It's when people are ready for Purium and the incredible benefits that come with a 90-day commitment to superfoods, clean eating, sufficient sleep, exercise, and proper hydration.
Many ask how they will feel after using Purium and how long it will take to see results. To address this, we created the Purium ULT Tracker. After just 10 short days of starting the Purium journey, noticeable changes will be seen in the body, mind, and mirror. If, after 30 or 60 days, significant and dramatic improvements aren't seen, we offer a 100% refund. That's how confident we are in our ability to create a "That used to be me" story in your life, making you proudly exclaim, "Just look at me now."