FAQ: Is Purium a pyramid scheme?

No, Purium is not a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal business models that primarily focus on recruiting participants and generating income from their enrollment fees, with little or no emphasis on selling actual products or services.

Purium, on the other hand, is a legitimate direct selling company that offers high-quality health and wellness products. The company operates within the boundaries of the law and follows a structured compensation plan that rewards distributors for their product sales and the sales generated by their team. Purium's success is based on providing valuable products that customers genuinely benefit from and enjoy.

It's important to differentiate between pyramid schemes and legitimate direct selling companies like Purium. In a legitimate direct selling model, distributors earn income through product sales and building a customer base, while pyramid schemes rely primarily on recruiting participants and collecting enrollment fees.

When considering a business opportunity, it's always wise to research the company, understand its compensation plan, and assess the value of its products or services. With Purium, you have the opportunity to build a sustainable business by sharing high-quality products that promote health and wellness.

Watch the video; Purium, The UNpyramid: Redistributing Wealth


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FAQ: What kind of income can I make here?